Ramp metering

Czas realizacji: 2022

Localization: Warsaw

Infrastruktura ITS

Instalacje i Urządzenia BRD

Infrastruktura drogowa i około drogowa

As part of the investment in Warsaw, ZIR Group provided traffic signal controllers for the RM-traffic metering station for the project of traffic management on the southern bypass of Warsaw along the S2 express road. na odcinku od węzła „Puławska” (bez węzła) do węzła „Przyczółkowa” (bez węzła) o długości ok. 4,6 km.

Ramp metering is a solution implemented to improve traffic flowon the most heavily trafficked motorway junctions and expressways. It is an active traffic management strategy that uses traffic signals at freeway on-ramps to control the number of vehicles entering the freeway to keep vehicles moving more efficiently.

How it works - a typical ramp meter design includes detector loops hat feed information to the ramp meter controller, monitor the level of traffic, detect gaps in the traffic stream, and alter the number of vehicles that can leave the ramp. The more congested the main freeway, the fewer vehicles are allowed to leave the ramp. This is caused by giving longer red times to the traffic signals.

Ramp metering, when properly applied, is a valuable tool for efficient traffic management on freeways.


  • improving control of the flow of vehicles
  • maintaining traffic flow
  • reducing collisions with vehicles joining the traffic flow

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